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Special's Deals 特别优惠

New Arrival 新鲜上架

Hot Selling 热卖产品

Point-of-Interest for Best Experience:

1. [One Click Sign-In] to get complete discount benefit.
2. Browse our beautiful homepage design with auto [New Arrival] and [Hot Selling] product display.
3. Click to browse [Category] with [Product Filter] and [View in Grid] option].
4. Click product page for description, Promotion and Volume Buy discount.
5. Add product to [Cart] and [Check-Out] to use [Discount Voucher].
6. Available [Discount Voucher]:

  • Automatic RM10 Welcome Voucher for every each customer. Click [My Voucher] for details.
  • Key-in [off50] to get 50% discount.
  • key-in [freeshipping] to get free shipping.

7. After complete order, you will received [Email Notification] every stage update by seller [Order confirm] -> [Preparation] -> [Shipping] -> [Delivered].
8. When your order status turn to [Delivered], you can claim your loyalty point and convert it to cash voucher in [Your Account] -> [My Loyalty Point].
9. Now you can refer friends to here and get RM20 Reward voucher in [Your Account] -> [Referral Program].
10. You may also check your order history, download invoice and many more in [Your Account].

Tips: for more step-by-step guide, please click [HOW-TO] at [Menu Bar].
All the promotion or voucher code is for this demo purpose only.

Wish you Enjoy the trip!


1. [一键登入] 以便获取完整的折扣优惠体验。
2. 游览设计漂亮的完整以及自动化的【新鲜上架】和【热卖产品】展示。
3. 进入任何一个【产品类型】,既可使用【筛选功能】和使用【格子或陈列】方式展示产品。
4. 进入任何一个【产品】,了解更多产品资讯,以及各种【产品优惠】,又或【量多折扣】。
5. 将产品【加入购物车】和【去结单】就可以使用各项【优惠卷】。
6. 以下是可以使用的【优惠卷】:

  • 自动 RM10 欢迎优惠卷给每一位加入的客户。按这里 [My Voucher] 了解。
  • 输入 [off50] 即可获得 50% 折扣。
  • 输入 [freeshipping] 即可获得免邮优惠。

7. 完成下单后,您将会收到系统的每一个阶段通知电邮,从【订单确认】》【产品准备中】》【订单寄出】》【订单到货】。
8. 当您的订单显示【订单到货】你就可以在 [Your Account] -> [My Loyalty Point] 使用你的忠诚点数转换成现金卷
9. 现在您更在 [Your Account] -> [Referral Program] ,以推荐朋友们的方式,获得 RM20 奖励现金卷。
10. 您也可以在 [Your Account] 里查看你的订单历史以及下载 Invoice 等等的其他功能。

温馨提示:您可以在 [HOW-TO] at [Menu Bar] 获得更多的使用教学。

